Get Equipped

Get Equipped #7: Reformers Influencing Society Everyday

I discovered Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow’s ministry and the Rise community through divine guidance: On 21 December 2023 I had a dream. The Lord gave me some of the interpretation through two-way journaling. He said that a man in my dream symbolized “a new minister that I will introduce you to. This man’s ministry will give you hope, encouragement, and direction on how to engage or experiences My love.”

He also told me that he would lead me to this ministry through the recommendation of a particular friend. At that time we were new friends. She had spent many years as a foreign missionary and was presently ministering as an intercessor at IHOP (International House of Prayer).

On 22 December 2023, I texted my friend and thanked her for her prayers and then asked if she had heard any inspired teaching lately. She replied, “I am reading Johnny and Elizabeth’s book on the Seven Mountains. It’s a great book and full of revelation.”

And so it is!!!

The day after the book arrived I had a vision, confirming the anointing on the RISE book and Johnny and Elizabeth’s ministry. You can read about my vision on my blog post:

The RISE book teaches about the seven mountains of culture or influence in the world: Media, Family, Arts & Entertainment, Economy, Religion, Education, and Government. Here is a clip from chapter one:

RISE, which stands for Reformers Influencing Society Everyday, is a movement of reformers who have fully connected to their purpose. They lead with love, are motivated by hope, and are infused with faith to see heaven come to earth through tangible solutions for individuals, cities, and nations. They’re a part of a global community that exists beyond the four walls of church to awaken, equip, and connect those who believe that God not only loves and cares about all of humanity, but also desires to display His love, kindness, and goodness through His sons and daughters in all areas of culture (bold emphasis added).

RISE: A Reformer’s Handbook for the Seven Mountains, pg. 5

Please notice the bold words emphasizing the RISE mission: They “lead with love” and “are motivated by hope.” These are the exact two attributes that the Lord told me that the new ministry He was leading me to would have: “This man’s ministry will give you hope, encouragement, and direction on how to engage or experiences My love.”

As I read RISE: A Reformer’s Handbook for the Seven Mountains by Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow, the Holy Spirit confirmed the teaching on page after page after page . . . I had found a tribe that I wanted to be part of.

Today I am a RISE Ambassador, and look forward to partnering with others who are passionate about bringing Kingdom culture to all seven mountains in the Kansas City Metro.


For more information about the Enlow’s ministry visit their websites:

RISE: Reformers Influencing Society Every
Finding Your Place in God’s Story with Johnny Enlow at Frontline Church


For more anointed teaches, please visit my Recommended Reading page.


Tree of Life Ministries at

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