Dream #19: Mission Rescue
Photo by FatCamera from Getty Images Signature (This is a stock photo.) Tue 26 March 2024 (I was an observer in this dream.) There was a small team (about five people, including women and men) working together to find a woman. The woman they were looking for was sitting in a room while a man sat at a desk next to her. He was working on a laptop. One of the women on the team started encouraging the rest of the team about finding this woman “who had been jogging and got kidnapped and was being raped.” I hadn’t realized the woman was a hostage and was being repeatedly raped…
Get Equipped #3: Our Healing Covenant
I learned about Our Healing Covenant by Chip Beaulieu through divine guidance. A thought downloaded into my mind in the autumn on 2022: I should subscribe to a particular magazine. This was way out of the ordinary for me because I am a book person. I rarely buy magazines, let alone subscribe to them. But I was confident that I had heard from God so I purchased a one year subscription to this bimonthly magazine. Every issue I would ask the Lord, “What am I looking for?” Finally, in the fourth issue I received (May/June 2023), I discovered the reason why God guided me to subscribe to the magazine. The…
Journal Entry # 29: Look up. Deliverance is Near
Photo by nkbimages from Getty Images Signature Thursday 2 November 2023 Q: Lord Jesus, there is so much evil happening in this world. Please come back, Lord, and bring peace. I know the Holy Spirit is here, but people are still suffering. Lord, what do You want to say to me about these things? A: Look up. Deliverance is near. Soon. It is even at your door. The News reports on what is seen happening on earth. Sometimes the News is accurate, or partially accurate, or completely inaccurate. Regardless of what is reported on the News My plans stay consistent. And what I am doing is never reported on any…
Journal Entry #18: Love Wins
Photo by barrand from Getty Images Signature Wed 12 July 2023 Q: Lord, what did You mean when You said all things work together for good for those who love You? A: When I said “all things work together for good for those who love Me,” I never meant that a bad experience was actually a good thing that happened in your life. No! Never! It is never good for a woman to be raped. It is never good for a child to be abandoned or sex trafficked. Crime is never good. Child abuse is never good. Lust is never good. Evil is not and can never be good. What…
Journal Entry #15: Forgiveness is a Kind of Deliverance
Photo by RomoloTavani from Getty Images Sun 9 July 2023 Q: Lord, is it true that it is necessary to forgive people who hurt you before you can be healed? This is hard for me to understand because I know Christians are forgiven of all their past, present, and future sins. Plus all the people You healed, when You lived on earth, hadn’t forgiven everyone that they needed to. A: Forgiveness is a kind of deliverance. All of the people I healed had a miracle, which is different from a healing. Healing is a process of physical transformation from a state of dis-ease to wholeness. Miracles are an instant recreation…
Vision #3: Heavenly Scissors
Photo by inbj from Getty Images Thu 30 March 2023 While lying in bed before falling asleep for the night, I had the following short vision: JOURNAL INTERPRETATION OF VISION 2 Mon January 2024 Q: Dear Lord, please give me the interpretation for this vision? A: The devil used scissors to destroy Samson by cutting his hair. The devil knew that cutting Samson’s hair would violate his oath to Me, and that under the Old Covenant the consequences would be that Samson would lose his gift of supernatural strength. The devil never does anything unless it is a counterfeit of what I do. He knows that everything I do is…
Dream #14: Arresting the Enemy
Photo by allanswart from Getty Images Thur 23 March 2023 There was a man on the “Most Wanted” list. I caught him, and then his name was taken off of the list. END OF DREAM. JOURNAL INTERPRETATION OF DREAM: The man you arrested was a high-level demon. You disarmed the demon and arrested him by using the authority you have. Every born-again believer has the authority to use My name, and release the power that is in My name. The demon’s name was taken off the “Most Wanted” list because you used your authority to incarcerate the demon in the spirit realm by fortifying the entrance to the person or…
DREAM #6: A Time of Clean-up Followed by Victory
Photo by Drazen Zigic from Getty Images Wed 4 November 2020 SCENE 1: I was married to Donald Trump. We had a baby. Our baby urinated and defecated over the entire living room floor. I knew that I would have to clean it up. SCENE 2: My husband (in the dream), Donald Trump, and I were in bed, heads on our pillows, ready to fall asleep for the night. SCENE 3: I was at a beautiful venue, preparing for a large party that I was hosting. A woman entered the scene and handed me two wrapped gifts that my husband, President Trump, sent me. I opened the gifts. (Unfortunately, I…
Healings and Deliverances #1: A Supernatural Delivery
Photo by Trendsetter Images (This is a stock photo.) Good Friday 5 April 1996 This testimony is about my only home birth. I was greatly blessed to have an amazing midwife. I had been in labor for an entire day with my 8th and last child. It was a little strange that my water broke at exactly midnight. By 6 AM the contractions were very hard and coming two minutes apart, but I was only dilated to 3. I thank God that my midwife was a very intelligent, capable woman. My feet were swelling—something I had never experienced before—and I was concerned, but my midwife was not alarmed. I DESPERATELY…