Everyday Miracles #8: All Female Medical Team
Photo by Liudmila Dutko (This is a stock photo.) I had to have a GI procedure (EGD) today. All of my physicians are women and I wanted an all female medical team. Unfortunately, requesting a female medical tech, nurse, or doctor at a hospital or screening center is often met with a toxic response. I felt blessed when the surgery center I was going to was exceptionally kind about my request. They said female nurses would be no problem but that I would probably have to have a male anesthesiologist and male anesthesiologist assistant. Yesterday when I was finishing Charity Virkler Kayembe’s angel series I had an amazing experience. During…
Everyday Miracles #7: Brushing My Daughter’s Hair
Photo by Stock-colors from Getty Images Signature (This is a stock photo.) Monday 14 August 2023 I recently watched the movie Letters to Juliette, and a few days ago I was thinking about the scene where the older woman brushes the young woman’s hair. As I reflected on that scene I remembered how I used to brush my daughters hair when they were little girls. An intense desire filled me, wishing I could brush one of my daughter’s hair again as I had when they were young, but I believed it would never happen because they were all adults in their 20s and 30s, so I just let go of hoping…
Healings and Deliverances #1: A Supernatural Delivery
Photo by Trendsetter Images (This is a stock photo.) Good Friday 5 April 1996 This testimony is about my only home birth. I was greatly blessed to have an amazing midwife. I had been in labor for an entire day with my 8th and last child. It was a little strange that my water broke at exactly midnight. By 6 AM the contractions were very hard and coming two minutes apart, but I was only dilated to 3. I thank God that my midwife was a very intelligent, capable woman. My feet were swelling—something I had never experienced before—and I was concerned, but my midwife was not alarmed. I DESPERATELY…