Downloads From Heaven

Downloads From Heaven #6: To Feel Loved

Photo by congerdesign from pixabay

Tue 16 May 2023

Immediately after waking up I received this heavenly download:

  • “To feel loved and important, you have to feel like you are making a difference; making a contribution in a positive way.”


Wed 3 January 2024

Q: Dear Lord, do you have any comments about this download from heaven?

A: Humans crave love because I wired them to be that way. A person will receive love when they are treated as valuable; when they are appreciated for who they are and the positive contributions they make to the relationship.

It is impossible for humans to feel loved if they feel invisible, unappreciated, or as if they are a liability and a burden instead of an asset and a treasure.

Before a person can believe they are loved, they must first believe that they are important to you; that your relationship with them is valuable to you; that they make a difference in your life by making positive contributions in your relationship. This may not always be consciously recognized, but is nevertheless true. People need to know how much you value them before they can sincerely receive love from you.

Genuine love is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, birthed out of an intimate relationship with Me. I consider My people to be a priceless treasure. They are so valuable to Me that I gave My life to rescue them. They make a positive contribution in our relationship because it is only through our working in partnership that our Father’s plan will be realized. And because I simply love their company.

When people realize how much I value them, they will be able to receive My love. The traditional church did a great disservice to humanity by battering people with the idea that they were worthless, undeserving sinners. The Good Father did not treat his prodigal son that way and neither should My church, who are My representatives on earth. What the church does and says is seen by the world as a reflection of Me. 

Think about this: Do you think that your three year old child is undeserving of your protection, to be rescued from danger, to be fed, clothed, housed, educated, and loved by you because she is incapable of providing any of these things for herself? No, you don’t. It is the very love that you have for your child that makes them valuable! Your love deems them to be a treasure. The fact that you created them fills you with the desire to want to protect them, rescue them, provide for them to the very best of your ability, and to lavishly love them. Just because they are incapable of earning your love doesn’t diminish their value.

There is no such thing as love that can be earned. Love is always freely and unconditionally given or it is not love at all. I love My children because I created them. I love them for being My children, not for being obedient to Me. And because I love them, I value them, and treat them like the treasure they are to Me, and My children love Me because I first loved them.

Always remember that earth is the mirror reflection of heaven, and that includes parenthood.


Tree of Life Ministries at

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