Everyday Miracles

Everyday Miracles #6: Hot Pink Blazer

Photo by Tamara Velazquez from corelens

Sat 6 May 2023

Living in partnership with God is a life brimming with adventures, great and small. Significant moments make great memories that stand out when you reflect on your life. But it is the thousands of little details that make the most crucial difference in anyone’s life. They mold your heart, build your faith and character, and produce your reputation—how others think of you.

Filter your perspective through God’s grace, seeing His Holy Spirit’s moving through the daily details of your life that produces everyday miracles. Here is my testimony of a little everyday miracle in my life:

It’s important that you feel good about the way you look when you’re giving a presentation. I had my heart set on wearing a hot pink blazer for a live event with Impact Dynamics Seminars, where I was the guest speaker. So I went shopping during Mother’s Day sales, hoping to find one. I was in one of my favorite designer departments and noticed a clearance rack positioned near the aisle. Loudly standing out was one – and only one – hot pink blazer, and it was marked down 40%. I’m sure you guessed it was my size! And with my additional 25% off coupon, I got a fantastic deal!
This may seem like a small thing, maybe just a happy coincidence. It wasn’t. It was an everyday miracle from God because He wanted to bless me with something I wanted. He wants to do the same things for you. Look for His hand moving in your everyday life, and you’ll start noticing the countless things God does for you.


Tree of Life Ministries at www.tolm.blog

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