
Vision #1: A Christmas Eve Surprise

Photo by sampsyseeds from Getty Images Signature

Tue 24 December 2019

Christmas is always a big celebration in my home. On Christmas Eve 2019, I was feeling a little sad because my son and his wife couldn’t come to my party. It was my daughter-in-law’s family’s turn to have them, which was a mutually agreed-upon schedule. Even though I completely understood why they couldn’t be there, and it was inconceivable to me that there was any way they’d show up, I missed them not being there. As I sat in my living room with the rest of my family gathered around,

  • I saw my son walk into my apartment and yell, “Surprise

Twenty minutes later, my son and his wife walked through the door precisely as my vision foretold!!

I hope you grasp that God speaks to us about the things we care about, even though they may not have any great spiritual significance. It is one of the ways He lets us know how much He loves us.


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