Downloads From Heaven

Downloads From Heaven #1: My Daughter’s Babies

Photos by AnnaDudek from Getty Images (green shoes); okeyphotos from Getty Images Signature (red shoes); Sirapholfrom Getty Images (blue shoes)

Tue 24 April 2018

As the mother of a large family, I thought I would be surrounded with grandchildren by the time I was in my late 50s, but I still had no grandchildren. My daughter said that she and her husband were going to start a family after they were married over a year ago. So I was anxiously awaiting an announcement.

In the middle of the night I had this download:

  • Daughter’s babies: boy, girl, boy

This heavenly download was confirmed in subsequent revelations, including this dream on Wed 1 Aug 2018:

  • I went to visit my daughter. Her two sons were with her. The younger son was about 4-5 years old. He excitedly ran to me with open arms, and the older son (9-10 years old) walked over to greet me. My daughter said, “Hi, Mom.” I got the impression that I hadn’t seen them for a while. I began to speak to my older grandson in French.


I don’t speak French but my maternal grandparents were French immigrants.

The second dream was on Thu 16 August 2018:

  • My daughter had a baby. The baby was born on the way to the hospital in an ambulance. She called on the phone to tell me that she and the baby were both fine. She had a boy and named him Lenexa.

This dream came true four years later. My daughter’s first child was born in August 2022, and was a boy. He was not born in an ambulance, but my daughter did have an emergency delivery. She was sent directly to the hospital from the doctor’s office because an ultrasound revealed zero amniotic fluid. She had to have a cesarean birth, and the baby was three weeks premature. The name Lenexa means, “a gift from God.” He is definitely a gift from God!

The third dream of encouragement the Lord gave me was on Tue 22 June 2021:

  • My daughter and I were shopping and we noticed a table with super cute baby clothes. We both got excited and started looking through the baby clothes to pick out the ones we liked.


I didn’t share this dream with my daughter. It came true on 4 July 2021. My daughter invited me to go shopping with her, and while we were in the department store she asked if we could go look at the baby department. I don’t need to tell you what my answer was.

I received this dream and its fulfillment as an indication that my daughter would be pregnant soon. And she was! She conceived in December, and announced the pregnancy at my Valentine’s Day party in February 2022.

There is more to this testimony—the Lord gave me a vision on Fri 14 April 2023, confirming my future granddaughter too:

I was feeding my grandson his bottle in the early evening. His eyes were closed and he was eating in his sleep. I was tired too, so I closed my eyes, and had this vivid, full color vision:

  • I saw a dark haired child (3-4 years old) sleeping on their stomach with their face toward me. It was a close up shot of the child’s head and shoulders. The child was definitely not the grandson I was presently feeding.

I opened my eyes for a second, and then closed them again:

  • This time I noticed the pigtails, identifying the child as a girl!

God cares about the things that are important to us. His communication flows to us 24/7. The key is learning to tune into the flow of the River of Life—the Holy Spirit. God knew how earnestly I desired to be a grandma, and His comforting communications gave me hope and helped me to stay in peace instead of despairing that I might never be a grandmother.


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