• Blog

    Hearing God’s Voice

    Photo by Lisa Fotios on Pexels.com After receiving salvation, the most important thing we can do is to learn how to hear God’s voice. Two-way communication with God is like having a personal lighthouse to guide us safely in every area of life. The 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice Christianity is about having an intimate relationship with Jesus, about falling in love, deeper and deeper, with your heavenly bridegroom. It’s about being the bride of Christ and stepping into your new identity as Mrs. Jesus. But how do you have a personal relationship—intimate or otherwise—with a person that you cannot see, cannot touch, and cannot hear? Think about it:…

  • Journal Entries

    Journal Entry #43: A Revelation on Healing

    Photo by Michal Collection Journal Entry 43: A Healing Revelation  Thu 20 June 2024 Q: Lord, there is such a gigantic need, right now, today for the manifestation of your healing. I don’t understand the disconnect. Please bless me with the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation about this issue. A: Lynne, the leaves of the Tree of Life are for healing of the nations. The leaves symbolize My love. When people are covered in My love, they will be healed and flow in the power of healing. Q: Lord, bless me with a deeper revelation about Your love. Bless me to experience You as Divine Love; to carry the presence…

  • Journal Entries

    Journal Entry #42: A Revelation on Inner Healing

    Photo by eternalcreative at Getty Images Pro Mon 10 June 2024 Q: Please elaborate on the Word J_____ received for the young mother suffering from inner pain. A: My Spirit initiated their encounter through inner promptings in each woman. They are a perfect example of the interconnection of My people. The spiritual movement between these women is akin to a dance, where J_____ is leading but both are equally blessed. The mother has been born again and is able to discern my voice in many situations, which is why she knew to reach out to J_____. As J_____ was considering the mother’s mental anguish, she had a vision of the…

  • boy in gray crew neck t-shirt reading book

    Event 6-15-24: Kingdom Education Symposium

      This is a challenging time to be raising children. Protecting our children, and maintaining our Christian foundation for generations yet born, is a significant priority. The Kingdom Education Symposium is a great opportunity to gain insights and network with parents, grandparents, and teachers committed to establishing Kingdom Culture on the Mountain of Education. COMPASS International Ministries  128 E. Park St., Gardner, KS  66030 9:30 am Continental Breakfast 10 am – 4 pm Symposium  FOR MORE DETAILS VISIT THE FACEBOOK PAGE https://www.facebook.com/share/p/oF6bopxqU3hfdEZu/?mibextid=A7sQZp7sQZp PARENT EDUCATORS AND HOMESCHOOLING In recent years, the movement towards homeschooling has gained significant momentum, driven by a desire to establish a kingdom culture in education. Parent educators play…

  • Get Equipped

    Get Equipped#10: School of the Spirit

    The School of the Spirit, founded by Mark Virkler and Charity Virkler Kayembe, is an innovative online learning platform dedicated to fostering spiritual growth by training and equipping Christians to hear God’s voice and engage the spiritual realm according to biblical principles. Through a diverse range of courses, the school aims to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to deepen their spiritual journey and biblical understanding of the spirit realm. Mark and Charity, respected figures in Christian spiritual education, have crafted a curriculum that seamlessly blends biblical teachings with practical applications, catering to those who aspire to a more profound spiritual connection. The mission of the School of…

  • Blog,  Journal Entries

    Journal Entry #41: Responding to God’s Love

    Photo by JLGutierrez from Getty Images Signature at Canva.com Journal Entry #41: Responding to God’s Love  Mon 22 April 2024 I am enrolled in the School of the Prophets with Ivan Roman. He challenged us to write a love between Jesus and us. The Lord gave me a new perspective that was very exciting: Q: Good morning, Jesus! I love that You are my life partner and that I get to do life with the King of the Universe! I love the way You love me. I love the way You hold me in Your strong arms—steady and sure. You are my peace; my harbor; my core. Dear Lord, please show…

  • Get Equipped

    Get Equipped # 9: Mentoring Prophetic Voices

    I love being on Joseph Peck’s email list because he introduces me to interesting people and amazing ministries. Plus I receive a lot of invitations to attend free webinars, most of which offer an opportunity to delve deeper into the topic. And that is how I was introduced to Ivan Roman, a prophet with an anointing to train and equip prophets. Since I am such a crazy busy woman I have to listen carefully to the Holy Spirit about which wonderful opportunities to actually accept. When I received Joseph’s email invitation to attend Ivan Roman’s Discerning of Spirits webinar, I knew I was onboard for the journey. My decision was…

  • Journal Entries

    Journal Entry #40: The Devil is Defeated

    Stock photo by Firn © canva.com Q: Dear Lord, good morning. Today is going to be great! What do You want to do, or what do You want to say to me? A: Let’s talk about the power of belief. It is phenomenal but so misunderstood. What you believe matters, and not a little. What you firmly believe about Me and My Kingdom impacts every area of your life because there is energy infused in your beliefs, and that energy is powerful. When I was asked, “We want to perform God’s work too. What should we do?” I answered, “This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in…

  • Dreams & Interpretations

    Dream #19: Mission Rescue

    Photo by FatCamera from Getty Images Signature (This is a stock photo.) Tue 26 March 2024 (I was an observer in this dream.) There was a small team (about five people, including women and men) working together to find a woman. The woman they were looking for was sitting in a room while a man sat at a desk next to her. He was working on a laptop. One of the women on the team started encouraging the rest of the team about finding this woman “who had been jogging and got kidnapped and was being raped.” I hadn’t realized the woman was a hostage and was being repeatedly raped…

  • Visions

    Vision #6: Holy Spirit Waterfall

    Photo by dfesp from pixabay Thu 21 March 2024 This is a record of my encounter with the Lord that includes two visions and two-way journaling with the Lord: Q: Lord, is there anything in the Spirit that You want to show me? VISION (My perspective was from an angle.):  I saw two large waterfalls that seemed to come from the east and the west, flowing into the same space. Q: Lord, what does this vision mean? VISION (My perspective was from overhead.): I saw a round area. The entire circumference was a high, powerful waterfall, pouring into the area. Beautiful, pure water filled the area, but remained calm even…

  • Get Equipped

    Get Equipped #8: Rediscovering the Kingdom

    I learned about Rediscovering the Kingdom by Myles Munroe from two people I consider to be among my primary spiritual mentors, because of how radically their ministries impacted my life—Mark Virkler and Charity Virkler Kayembe. Here is the quote from Mark and Charity’s book that introduced me to Myles Munroe: “The heavens are the Lord’s, but the earth He has given to the sons of men” (Ps.115:16). That’s us. This is our earth that we get to make look like Heaven. In his book Rediscovering the Kingdom, the late Dr. Myles Munroe talks about how God wants to “colonize earth with Heaven.” We are the ambassadors and co-creators. We are…