Revelatory Gifts

Revelatory Gifts #5: The Cloak of Zeal

Photo by Baloncici from Getty Images

Sun 1 January 2023

After a regular Sunday service at my home church, I was standing in the airlock of the front lobby waiting for my ride. A woman I don’t know approached me, pointed to my coat, and said, “I just wanted to tell you that the coat is an important part of the armor of God.”

I was wearing a stunning lemon green oversized maxi coat that I particularly love. I frequently get compliments on. 

“This coat was a special gift from my children,” I responded.

“I just wanted to tell you that the coat is an important part of the armor of God,” she repeated.

I realized she was not complimenting my coat and wondered if she had a Word of Knowledge. I was in the process of writing a book and had already finished the section on the armor of God. So I knew that Paul didn’t mention anything about a coat as part of the armor of God.

“What does the coat symbolize?” I asked.

She had no idea and then repeated her statement for a third time. Although she didn’t directly state it, I believe God gave her that Word for me.

Upon doing a little research, I happily discovered that the coat—the Cloak of Zeal—is an essential part of the armor of God (Isaiah 59:14-20)!

God could have given me this Word directly, but He chose to speak to me through another Christian. Experiences like this remind us that there are no Lone Rangers in the Kingdom of God.


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