
Vision #3: Heavenly Scissors

Photo by inbj from Getty Images

Thu 30 March 2023

While lying in bed before falling asleep for the night, I had the following short vision:

  • I saw a pair of scissors with blue handles.


2 Mon January 2024

Q: Dear Lord, please give me the interpretation for this vision?

A: The devil used scissors to destroy Samson by cutting his hair. The devil knew that cutting Samson’s hair would violate his oath to Me, and that under the Old Covenant the consequences would be that Samson would lose his gift of supernatural strength.

The devil never does anything unless it is a counterfeit of what I do. He knows that everything I do is very valuable to humanity because I came to give life abundantly. The devil’s mission is always to steal, kill, and destroy anything, and everything, that has to do with human beings fulfilling My plan for their life.

What was the devil counterfeiting when he used scissors to cut off Samson’s hair?

Samson’s hair was not the source of his strength. His partnership with Me was the source of Samson’s supernatural strength, and his uncut hair was a sign of our covenant partnership.

The blue handles of the scissors in your vision symbolized that which is heavenly, and tells you that I am the one using these scissors. I use them to cut away all the influences of the devil that are a sign of the partnership between humans and the devil.

Every time My sons and daughters influence society by releasing My love and truth, they are using My heavenly scissors to cut away the influence of the devil in the world; to manifest My work of severing the devil’s partnership with human beings.


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