
Visions #5: Ride the Wave

Photo by Nature from Getty Images Pro (This is a stock photo.)

Mon 4 March 2024

I began my day by two-way journaling with the Lord:

Q: Dear Lord, what do You want to say to me?

And then I had this vision:

  • I saw a person on a surfboard riding a wave.

And then I continued with the journaling:

A: . . . Ride the Wave.

The ocean represents the Living Water; the Holy Spirit. The wave is a revelation from the Holy Spirit that carries you to your destiny in Me.

A surfer’s surfboard is a vehicle that allows a person to experience the thrill of riding—or being carried along—by an ocean’s wave. The surfboard symbolizes your imagination. Your imagination is like a surfboard because it is the vehicle that can transport you into the spirit realm where you can catch a wave of the Holy Spirit.

Your sanctified imagination is an internal medium for communicating with Me. Through choosing to use your sanctified imagination to communicate with Me, as a surfer chooses to use their surfboard to engage with the wave, you are inviting the Holy Spirit to speak to you.  Revelation from the Holy Spirit carries you forward in life by revealing what I am doing.

So, “riding the wave” means to use your satisfied imagination to invite the Holy Spirit to speak to you through internal visions, and it is a key factor in establishing My kingdom culture on earth.

Note from Lynne:

I begin two-way journaling by initiating communication with the Lord. I do this by writing a question, or a statement, and then asking Him about it. I usually relax, take a deep breath, and then pray in the Spirit with my eyes closed. I use my sanctified imagination to initiate a conversation by seeing Jesus or a flowing waterfall. Sometimes the Holy Spirit responds to me in a vision like the one I had today. Please remember to share your supernatural experiences and two-way journaling with your spiritual advisors because not all supernatural experiences are from the Holy Spirit.


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