Downloads From Heaven

Downloads From Heaven #7: He Will Appear to You

Photo by Wildeye’s Images

Thu 18 May 2023

In the middle of the night I received this heavenly download:

  • “Be receiving and He will appear to you.”


Thu 4 January 2024

Q: Dear Lord, is this download from You? Do you have any comments about this download from heaven?

A: Yes, it was a message from Me spoken by an angel to you.

What is it that you must be receiving before I can appear to you? It is My love. A man can not force his love on the woman he is attracted to. Force is never love. It is an assault.

Love must be freely given and freely received. True love is a balance between giving and receiving, although each individual’s giving is unique and not an identical exchange. The obstacle to people receiving My love is their challenge about perceiving their value to Me; to perceiving how much I long to protect them from all harm, to provide for all their needs, and lavish them with gifts that will bless them with happiness and good success—and without selfish motives.

Humans have an instinctive desire to get married and have children because they are a mirror reflection of Me and My desire for a bride and children. Is it selfish to want a spouse and children? No. Humans are wired to have those desires and, in fact, it requires selflessness to have a happy, healthy family dynamic.

I want My children to know that I love them unconditionally. There is nothing that can destroy My love for them. I do not always love their actions, but My love is not conditional on their actions.

When My child receives My love, I will appear to them; walk and talk with them. This is a promise to every child of God. The more they receive My love flowing into their heart, the more I am able to manifest My presence to them in a personal way.


Tree of Life Ministries at

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