Supernatural Manifestations

Supernatural Manifestations #2: Peace That Surpasses Understanding

Photo by from Rido (This is a stock photo.)


In May of 2010 I was driving home from a ministry meeting and was stopped at a red light. A young driver was not paying attention because she was preoccupied, fighting with her sister in the passenger seat. She rammed into the back of my Ford Ranger. 

At first, I thought I was alright, but over the next few weeks and months, I developed more and more pain in my lower back and feet. During four months of physical therapy, I continued to grow worse. Plus, thorough exams of my feet by a Podiatrist, along with x-rays, could not detect what was causing the severe pain in my feet. Finally, my doctor ordered an MRI of my lower back.

I was blessed to be part of an email prayer group that was faithful about praying for people.

Unbeknownst to me, while I was driving home from the MRI, the hospital called my primary care physician to inform her that they were nearly positive I had bone cancer. I had barely walked through the front door of my house when my landline phone rang. When I put my hand on the handset, I instantly received a supernatural transformation of internal peace! My doctor’s nurse compassionately informed me of the MRI report and that I would have more extensive testing immediately.

My prayer group continued to pray for me, and two members anointed me with oil. Two people laid hands on me and prayed for my healing.

This supernatural peace remained with me all day, every day, for three weeks—the exact time frame of the testing! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING could disturb my peace, and I confidently knew everything would be okay. When I went for the bone scan, the technician was a Christian. We praised Jesus together throughout the entire procedure. 

I was never diagnosed with cancer. It turned out I had a musculoskeletal problem. God miraculously led me to a chiropractor specialist who was able to eleviviate most of the pain.


Tree of Life Ministries at

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