Revelatory Gifts

Revelatory Gifts #4: My Son’s Future Bride

Photo by oksana_nazarchuk from Getty Images (This is a stock photo.)

September 2011

One day in the fall of 2011, I met a beautiful young woman. I’d never seen her before, and I knew nothing about her except that she had come to my home to attend a youth meeting at my house hosted by my son and his friend. The moment I laid eyes on her, I instantly KNEW that my youngest son was going to marry her someday. I immediately shared this Word with my youngest daughter so that she would be a witness for me when the time was right. But I didn’t say anything to my son. It needed to happen naturally. This Word was not to guide him into a relationship with that woman but to confirm that God orchestrated their relationship after they had decided for themselves.

They were married in 2017 and still have one of the happiest marriages I know!

So remember: A Word of Knowledge from God directly to you is a guide to help you make a decision. A Word of Knowledge from another person should confirm that you made a God-inspired decision, or it should be supported by two or more witnesses. Be very cautious about embracing a Word of Knowledge from someone who doesn’t have the authority to speak into your life.


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