Supernatural Manifestations

Supernatural Manifestations #1: Out-of-Body Experience

Photo by Syda Productions (This is a stock photo.)

1965 (written on 4 January 2024)

When I was a 4-year-old, my 8-year-old cousin accidentally slammed the door on my fingers, severing a portion of my pinky and ring fingers on my right hand. The doctors wanted to amputate, but my mother refused consent.

The trauma was so severe that I have no memory of what my mortal being endured, but I still vividly recall my Out-of-Body Experience:

  • My spirit was positioned in the upper corner of the room. I witnessed my four-year-old body sleeping in a bed with my bandaged hand elevated on a pillow. My mother was kneeling beside the bed with her forehead resting on the mattress, crying.

My mortal being was in trauma, but my spirit being was still in perfect peace. The best way that I can describe my identity as a spirit being is as an adult female, even though my mortal physical being was a 4-year-old girl.


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