Revelatory Gifts

Revelatory Gifts #1: You Will Never Die

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Sometimes around 1967-1968 (written on 4 January 2024)

When I was about 7-years-old I received my first prophetic Word. I was standing in my bedroom, looking at myself in my bureau mirror when I received this word:

  • “You will never die.”

I didn’t hear an audible voice and yet I “heard” a word-for-word message in my thoughts.

My family was dysfunctional and not religious at all. However, I deeply loved God. In that season of my life, I had zero knowledge or understanding about spiritual gifts.

The idea that a person could “never die” was foreign to me. Eventually I came to believe that the message meant I would be among the living when Jesus returned (1 Corinthians 15:51-58). I still believe that this is the correct meaning of this prophetic Word.

Nevertheless, there are other possible meanings based on the Lord’s words in John 11:26 (NLT):

  • “Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die. Do you believe this, Martha?”

The Lord’s message in John 11:26 could be referring to eternal life, as a testimony that those who are born-again by the Holy Spirit will never experience the sting of death. Every born-again child of God is ushered into His presence immediately after their body dies.

Copyright © 2024 Lynne Erickson Valle

Tree of Life Ministries at

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