Angel Encounters

Angel Encounters #1: Saved From Colliding With Traffic

Photo by stefanoborsani from Getty Images

1966 (written 2 February 2024)

This is the first of three testimonies, from my childhood and teen years, when my life was miraculously saved by an angel:

In the mid 1960’s when I was a very young girl, my stepfather removed the training wheels from my bicycle, propped me on the seat, and then forcefully lunged the bicycle down the driveway directly toward the fast-moving traffic on our busy street.

As I quickly approached the end of the driveway, I was paralyzed with fear. I literally could not move a muscle. I will never forget my astonishment when the front of the wheel ran out of driveway and was a split second from entering the street—I was certain to be hit by a car! At the last possible second, I felt two hands come on top of mine and turn the handlebars. I made a big U-turn and pedaled back down the driveway. If I had gone into the street I would have been hit by a car and probably killed.

It is important to note that my mother and stepfather were non-practicing Catholics, possibly atheists. They never once spoke to me about God or took me to any church during my childhood. However, I was subjected to all of the childhood Catholic rituals. I loved Jesus, but had no spiritual foundation or religious understanding. I have no knowledge that anyone prayed for me, but it is possible that my maternal grandmother prayed—she regularly prayed the rosary—or maybe a nun had prayed for me.


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