Get Equipped

Get Equipped #2: Grace Revolution

Some books have the power to change your life. Several of Joseph Prince’s books have that power because they liberate people from the bonds of religiousity.

I discovered my first Joseph Prince book by divine appointment on the last day of 2017. It was a particularly challenging period of my life due to a medical condition—severe light sensitivity, as well as hearing and chemical sensitivity. I had been suffering from light sensitivity since 2012, and it was gradually growing worse and worse and worse. No specialist was able to diagnose the cause. Not even the neurologist who took an MRI. The lights in my home had to be kept at half brightness. I could not drive, or look at television, computer monitors, or cellphone screens. I was emotionally and spiritually at a low point.*

I spent three days in intense prayer, and then on New Years Eve my son invited me to get out of the house and go to the mall with him. This was very difficult because the lights severely hurt my eyes. I had to wear dark sunglasses and a large brimmed hat in stores to keep the lights out of my eyes. I looked ridiculous, and more than once was hostility watched by employees whom, I presumed, suspected I was a shoplifter.

I decided to take my son up on his invitation because I knew he was worried about me and was trying to help me have some normalcy. In spite of the challenges, it was a fun outing as the Christmas decorations were still up.

It was a very cold night. So when it was time to leave, my son told me to wait by the exit in Barnes and Nobles while he drove the car around and picked me up at the door.

As I waited by the exit door, I couldn’t help but noticed a book on the display table—Live the Let Go Life, by Joseph Prince. Who is Joseph Prince? The title sounded like some kind of new age meditation book, but I felt drawn to it, and there was only one copy left. I only had a few minutes until my son arrived so I quickly scanned the back cover. As soon as I got home I asked one of my children to look up Joseph Prince for me.

The next day, 1 January 2018, I called the store and asked them to hold the book for me. The computer said it was still in their inventory but it was no longer on the front display table and could not be found. Several hours later, thanks to a dedicated bookseller, the book was located and I arranged a ride to go pick up the store’s last copy.

My life would never be the same!

Joseph Prince is a last-days apostle of Grace with a powerful anointing. All of his books are seasoned with the message of grace and God’s goodness. I can not get enough of these kind of messages. No matter what is going on in my life, God’s grace carries me through. He is so good!

Grace Revolution by Joseph Prince is a radically impacting book! Joseph Prince effectively teaches the message of God’s grace, which is all about His love and unmerited favor in our life to manifest John 10:10—the abundant life that Jesus promised each of us.

Some people call it “greasy grace” because they believe grace is used as an excuse to indulge in sin. This is a fear based lie of the devil. Read how Joseph Prince explains this:

If repentance is turning to God’s grace, how can grace be a licence or excuse to sin, as some claim? Grace is the power of God to overcome every sin. But if anyone who is living in sin claims that he is under grace, let me be the first to tell you that this person is not living under grace. The authority of God’s Word proclaims that “sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace” (Rom. 6:14). No one can use God’s grace to justify his or her sin! It is contrary to God’s Word and contrary to the gospel of grace. True grace swallows up the destructive power of sin.

Grace Revolution by Joseph Prince, pg. 24

This book was well titled, because there is a Grace Revolution happening on planet earth at this moment! I invite you to join the tribe . . .


For more information about Joseph Prince visit his websites:

Here is a link to his online church and school:

NOTE: I regularly attended the online church and was very blessed, but I have no personal experience with the academy. I am optimistic that it is just as wonderful as all of Joseph Prince’s ministries.

Here are some video teachings from Joseph Prince:

Grace Revolution – Live at Lakewood Church

God’s Grace Will Set You Free – Full Sermon

Grace Changes How You See God – Full Sermon

* Eventually, in September 2021, I figured out the cause of the light sensitivity on my own—it was a side effect of a digestive medication that I took daily. After switching medicine, the light sensitivity is gradually getting healed. I imported a tablet from France that reflects light instead of having a back light so it is easier on my eyes (this tablet is not sold in America). God has made it possible for me to be online again and facilitate my ministry. Praise the Lord!


For more anointed teaches, please visit my Recommended Reading page.


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