Get Equipped

Get Equipped #3: Our Healing Covenant

I learned about Our Healing Covenant by Chip Beaulieu through divine guidance. A thought downloaded into my mind in the autumn on 2022: I should subscribe to a particular magazine. This was way out of the ordinary for me because I am a book person. I rarely buy magazines, let alone subscribe to them. But I was confident that I had heard from God so I purchased a one year subscription to this bimonthly magazine.

Every issue I would ask the Lord, “What am I looking for?” Finally, in the fourth issue I received (May/June 2023), I discovered the reason why God guided me to subscribe to the magazine. The puzzle was solved in an advertisement:

OUR HEALING COVENANT Spanning 430 translations of the Bible from the year 1534 to 2019, this book presents healing scriptures from every book of the Bible. Carefully selected translations of each verse bring clarity and insight to the topic of divine healing in a way not possible from teaching messages alone. Bible translations long lost to time have been brought back to life to help build faith in the doctrines of divine healing and long life in this 450 page book. For more information, please see

CHARISMA (May/June 2023), pg. 77

It popped right off the page as the meaning to one of my dreams. (You can read about this dream in my blog post: Dream #16: Our Healing Covenant.)

Our Healing Covenant by Chip Beaulieu is a priceless treasure! It is easy to understand why the Lord wanted me to own a copy. In essence this book is a comparison healing Bible because it includes multiple translations of every healing scripture, including some versions I had never heard of.

The Word of God is active and alive. Reading these verses imparts spiritual wisdom and divine healing. Since many translations of the Bible include doctrinal biases of the translators, it is unmeasurably valuable to read a verse in multiple translations. Of course, the guidance of the Holy Spirit is essential for understanding any Scripture.


For more anointed teaches, please visit my Recommended Reading page.


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