Get Equipped

Get Equipped #1: Hearing God’s Voice

When a friend first told me about Hearing God’s Voice and Mark Virkler’s ministry I was definitely NOT interested. I received the technique information without the safety guidelines. At that time, I was suffering from light sensitivity and was unable to look at any tablet/computer monitors. So it was difficult to do research. With the partial information I had it sounded a lot like a new age practice called automatic writing, and I didn’t want any part of it. After all, not all supernatural experiences are from God.

Much to my surprise, a year or so later, I had a quick vision, indicating that God wanted me to read Mark’s book, Hearing God’s Voice. Did I interpret that vision correctly? I proceeded with caution and decided to share these experiences with my mentor and spiritual advisor. Unbeknown to me, she had taken his course on Hearing God’s Voice and endorsed Mark Virkler, and reminded me that Satan counterfeit God’s gifts. So I bought his book, but still proceeded with caution.

I am so glad that I did!

I could never overstate how Hearing God’s Voice by Mark Virkler impacted my life for good. I can only imagine what my life would have been like if I had found this knowledge in my teens instead of at age 62! Don’t wait. Read it ASAP!

I read alot. And by “alot” I mean, a crazy amount. With the exception of the Bible, Hearing God’s Voice is the book that has had the greatest impact on my life. In my opinion, learning how to hear God’s voice is second only in importance to accepting salvation from Jesus.

In Hearing God’s Voice, Mark shares his testimony of frustrations, struggles, searching, and the experience of God waking him up with a booming voice. The revelation that Mark recieved from God that night launched him into a pioneering ministry that empowers people to personally dialogue with God—DAILY! As in every single day!

The best part of this teaching is that it is sooooo easy that even elementary school children can (and do) develop a personal revelation with God through two-way journaling. I can’t image a more loving gift to bestow on young people than the knowledge of how to live day-to-day in communication with the Living God; our Heavenly Fath

Praise the Lord! This teaching is powerful and life changing!


Here is a podcast interview with Mark Virkler from Be Still Ministries:

Mark Virkler and his daughter, Charity Virkler Kayembe, operate The School of the Spirit (Affiliate link). I have been very blessed to take online classes from them. Mark and Charity have Spirit vision. Their teachings set people free from the limitations created by religion. Their ministries have blessed me and I hope they will bless you too.


For more anointed teaches, please visit my Recommended Reading page.


Tree of Life Ministries at

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