Everyday Miracles

Everyday Miracles #9: The Nutcracker Ballet

Photo by Artur Didyk from Getty Images

Mon 18 December 2023

I saw an advertisement for The Kansas City Ballet’s rendition of the Nutcracker at the beautiful Kaufman Center. When I saw the advertisement I thought, I would just love to see that Ballet! The only time I’d ever seen the Nutcracker Ballet was at a High School performance about fifteen years ago. But I don’t drive and I didn’t want to say anything to my children because I know they all have extra busy schedules during the holidays. So I just let it go.

A few weeks later I was with my daughter (who knew nothing about my desire) when she got a text from a friend, gifting her two tickets to The Nutcracker Ballet and she asked me to go with her. I hadn’t thought about going to the Nutcracker Ballet since that High School performance but just a few weeks after a desire to go resonated in my heart, I was gifted a ticket. God is amazing!

In full disclosure, I have to tell you that we didn’t end up using the tickets because my grandchild suddenly became ill on the day of the performance—for the first time at school—and my daughter was called to pick him up. We spent the evening with him, and the tickets were given to a couple of college students who never would have been able to afford them. My daughter and I have plans to go to the Nutcracker Ballet next Christmas.

So how was this experience a gift from God if I didn’t actually go to the Ballet? In my opinion, Johnny Enlow has the best answer to that question, “Facts are observable reality. Truth is God’s perspective.” We need to have God’s perspective:

  • Through this experience God revealed to my daughter that I had a desire to see the Nutcracker Ballet. It doesn’t matter which year we see it, 2023 or 2024. Now I have a happy event with my daughter to look forward to.
  • It is a “fact” that the devil will always try to steal, kill, and destroy God’s plans and gifts for us. The devil injected sickness into this situation, futilely planning for it to destroy my gift from God. But the devil’s influence can never negate the truth of God, which in this situation was that God loves me, He wanted to give me the desire of my heart, and He did. 

I am on the journey of growing in my relationship with God. I have no doubt that the devil’s ability to inject himself into my life and family is dwindling as my intimacy with God strengthens.


Tree of Life Ministries at www.tolm.blog

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