Everyday Miracles

Everyday Miracles # 5: Landing His Dream Job

Photo by VladislavStarozhilov from Getty Images Pro (This is a stock photo.)

Sun 5 September 2021

One of my sons is a professional freelance illustrator. He has a successful, fascinating career. However, there was one particular company that he dreamed of getting work from since he graduated from college in 2009.

Have you ever had a thought that seemed to just drop into your mind? Well, that is what it felt like when I recalled my son’s goal of getting work from this company. And then I felt impressed to pray for his goal to manifest. I offered up one rather simple yet sincere prayer, asking God to get my son work with this company. And then I let the issue go, because I never had an impression to pray about the matter again.

In a matter of weeks my son was contacted by an art director from this company. He had seen my son’s work online and signed him with the company. My son entered the pool of approved freelance illustrators that their art directors could contract for projects. He didn’t get offered a project immediately, but I had this dream in September:

  • I made an origami rose and gave it to my son and his new wife.


Not long after this dream my son was offered two projects from this company. Today he is regularly offered assignments. His dream came true thanks to God’s favor on him.

Origami is an art medium that I use. My son is a bachelor and this is the only dream that I ever had where he had a wife. This is an easy dream to interpret: My gift symbolizes my prayers, and my son’s new wife symbolizes a new covenant partnership or relationship, which manifested in him signing a contract and getting work with this company.

Would my son have received an open door to this company if I hadn’t prayed? I doubt it would have happened in the way it did because it is extremely difficult to get a contract from this company. Such contracts are highly coveted in his industry. So pay attention to the thoughts that seem to pop into your head out of nowhere. Remember that God partners with us: He works through us. Our prayers have the potential to alter the course of life for our loved ones.

  • “Lord, how wonderfully you bless the righteous. Your favor wraps around each one and covers them under your canopy of kindness and joy (Psalm 5:12 TPT).”


Tree of Life Ministries at www.tolm.blog

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