Revelatory Gifts

Revelatory Gifts #2: The Holy Spirit Tells Me What to Say to Save a Life

Photo by Courtney from Getty Images Signature (This is a stock photo.)

Around 2008

My teenage daughter had a roommate with an unplanned pregnancy. She was leaning towards having an abortion. My daughter convinced her to talk to me. I ministered the Word of life to this young woman, and the Holy Spirit convinced her to keep her baby. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

About five years later, I learned that this little girl had been diagnosed with leukemia. At the time, I had a ministry called i am loved – THE CONCERT. I hosted benefit concerts in the Kansas City metro, partnering with local independent Christian musicians and local churches. I knew I had to host a concert for this little girl. The event was packed, we raised a lot of money for the family, and most importantly, we prayed over the little girl and her parents.

At the benefit concert, the young mother confided in me that the reason  she didn’t abort her baby was because of my council. In truth, it is more accurate to say that the Holy Spirit ministered counsel to her through me. The mother said she dearly loved her daughter and could not imagine a life without her.

I kept in touch with the mother for a while and was delighted to learn that the little girl was in remission.


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