Everyday Miracles

Everyday Miracles # 3: Choosing Where to Live

Photo by Jeff Denlea from Pexels (This is a stock photo.)

Sat 20 May 2017

In 2017 I was sizing down from a house to an apartment. I had narrowed my options to two apartment complexes located in different towns. One complex was near two of my sons, and the other was near one of my daughters. I was having trouble making a final decision. After all, where you live is a significant decision. And I hate moving, so I didn’t want to do it again for a long time. 

I decided to prayerfully go through the grounds of each place, carefully monitoring my inner peace as I envisioned myself living at each location. I felt a distinct peace about living in the complex near my daughter’s house. So that was where I moved, and I have loved living here—for over six years. My daughter gave me my first grandchild, and I get to see him daily because I am so close. God knows future details that we don’t. So it is wise to seek His guidance for important decisions.

Jesus often speaks by the presence of His peace (John 14:27) or by the absence of peace, but He doesn’t give you fear:

“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control] (2 Timothy I:7 AMP).”

God is love (1 John 4:7-21). He wants us to have a happy life and experience love, joy, peace, comfort, etc. Emotions that stem from fear, anger, dread, terror, anxiety, etc., are signs of not being tuned into God’s wavelength—which is peace! Practice identifying the presence or absence of peace, which is not the same as dread, fear, terror, etc. When you feel God’s peace, you can confidently move forward. But if you have an absence of peace, continue praying and meditating on the issue until you receive peace about a decision.


Tree of Life Ministries at www.tolm.blog

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