Everyday Miracles

Everyday Miracles #4: Buying the Perfect House

Photo by Vladislav Chorniy From Getty Images

August 2021

Two of my sons wanted to buy a house together during the housing market craziness of 2021. Houses were all selling for way over the asking price.

They had a few specific dog-friendly things that they needed in a house, and an ideal area where they wanted to live. They were thrilled when they found a house they liked, and made a bid for a considerable amount over the asking price. They lost the bid and were very disappointed.

My sons kept looking, but no other house measured up to the location and specs of the first house. So I went to the Lord in earnest prayer, asking Him to bless my sons that either they would find a better house in the area where they wanted to live, or the original house would come back on the market.

A couple weeks passed and my sons were getting discouraged. They were about to give up their quest—that’s what it felt like—for a house. But then we found a better house in the same neighborhood. The day they put in a bid for the second house their agent was contacted by the agent for the first house. It was going back on the market and the sellers were offering it to them first! My sons won the bid on the second house and actually had a choice between the two houses for about 24 hours! They bought the second house, which really was better, and they and their two Siberian Huskies are very happy with it. God richly blessed them!


Tree of Life Ministries at www.tolm.blog

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