Angel Encounters

Angel Encounters #2: Saved From Driving Off A Hill

Photo by Dean Drobot

1977 (written 2 February 2024)

This is the second of three testimonies, from my childhood and teen years, when my life was miraculously saved by an angel:

It was 1977, and I was 16 years old. My 17 year old friend was trying to teach me how to drive a car. We were being giddy and not as serious about the driving lesson as we should have been. The road was narrow and winding. I was driving too fast downhill and lost control. Similar to an experience I had as a young girl learning to ride a bike, at the last possible second before a certain disaster, I felt two hands come on top of my hands and turn the steering wheel, saving me and my friend from going off the road, down a thickly treed hill.

My life was saved by an angel even though I was not living an active Christian life: my home was toxic, I was a victim of child abuse and neglect, I worked at a Tavern, I didn’t have a church or youth group, and had a very legalistic understanding of God and religion. I am unaware that there was anyone praying for me. My prayers were very generalized, but I loved Jesus. God is good and loves us even before we find Him.


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