
Lynne Erickson Valle is a GRACE activist, spreading the message of God’s radical grace, and New Covenant Christians’ right to the Tree of Life.

Her mission is to bring John 10:10 to fruition in the church: “I have come that they may have life and have it in all its fullness (BSB).” Lynne’s teachings focus on the Tree of Life, its healing leaves, abundance of fruit it produces, and the radical transformational work of the Holy Spirit.

Lynne believes that God is radically good, and crazy in love with you! The Good News of Jesus Christ is even better than you think! When you accept Jesus as your Savior, you are born-again and become a new creation with access to the Tree of Life (Revelation 2:7).

Lynne believes that every person can learn how to identify God’s voice speaking to them in their dreams, thoughts, emotions, and heart, and that two-way journaling is one important way that God communicates to His children.

This blog is dedicated to sharing Lynne’s two-way journaling conversations with Jesus, and her personal testimonies about doing life in partnership with God. Of course, journaling messages must harmonize with Scripture and should never be considered on par with the Bible.

Lynne flows in the prophetic and is a member of The International Prophetic Movement. Her primary spiritual mentors are:

  • Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit – the Truth of ALL Things
  • Dr. David Yong-Gi Cho – The Fourth Dimension
  • Charles Capps – Biblical Affirmations
  • Joseph Prince – Grace; the Communion Meal
  • Mark Virkler – Hearing God’s Voice
  • Charity Virkler Kayembe – Dreams; Angels
  • Johnny & Elizabeth Enlow – The Seven Mountains
  • Ivan Roman – The Prophetic
  • Ray McCollum – The Power of God-Given Imagination

Lynne is a second generation American with a passionate love and appreciation for the USA.

Ministry Partners:

1: Lynne is an Ambassador for the RISE Community, created by Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow. The RISE app is a powerful tool that helps God’s Reformers network and facilitate His mandate to reform the 7 Mountains of culture. Lynne created a Hub on the RISE app called the Kansas City Metro Reformers Hub.

Book image is a paid Amazon link.

The Kansas City Metro Reformers Hub is a network for Kansas City Metro Reformers who believe that KC is a prophetic city destined to be a spiritual well that will bless many people. Our mission as a hub is to unify the Kansas City church with a shared vision of Kingdom culture reigning in every aspect of our great Metro. This vision fulfills the 7 Mountains prophecy that the Lord gave to Johnny Enlow, and its prophetic forerunner given in Kansas City during the 1880s by Rev. Dr. Henry Hopkins, pastor of First Congregational Church in Kansas City:

The growing thought now, is . . , to embody [Christ] in all activities of all the seven days, to become a part of the times in which we live, a potent factor for Christ’s sake, in the advancing history of the world, in the beneficent movements of reform; to make the Gospel felt in municipal government, in jurisprudence and legislature, in education and art and literature; in commerce and the great world of industry, and in complex forms of our associated activity. . .that the kingdom of heaven for whose coming we pray is to to come in this world.

The Spiritual Roots of Kansas City (paid link) by Bill Hugh and Annika Bergen, pg 69

If you feel called to impact the Kansas City Metro with Kingdom culture, then please join the Kansas City Metro Reformers Hub on the RISE app and partner with us in manifesting Kingdom culture in the Kansas City Metro.

For more information about the RISE community and app, please visit rise7.org or read RISE.

2: Lynne partners with Dorothy Murray Elder Ministries, and is a regular speaker at their seminars.