Journal Entries

Journal Entry #43: A Revelation on Healing

Photo by Michal Collection

Journal Entry 43: A Healing Revelation 

Thu 20 June 2024

Q: Lord, there is such a gigantic need, right now, today for the manifestation of your healing. I don’t understand the disconnect. Please bless me with the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation about this issue.

A: Lynne, the leaves of the Tree of Life are for healing of the nations. The leaves symbolize My love. When people are covered in My love, they will be healed and flow in the power of healing.

Q: Lord, bless me with a deeper revelation about Your love. Bless me to experience You as Divine Love; to carry the presence of Your love. Please open my eyes to see the path you want me to take. Please send the Holy Spirit to heal ______.

A: Lynne, you are already healed in Me. This is where you are missing it. You are already healed in Me. So the healing for yourself and the powersource to heal others is the same—Me. Healing is all about intimacy with Me. As you spend time with Me, our intimacy deepens.

Q: Okay Lord, let’s have an encounter. (I did a visualization where I met Jesus at a park, and then continued journaling.)

Lord, what do You want to say to Me?

A:  . . . “Yes, I agree that healing is badly needed on planet earth, but most of My people are going about it all wrong. They are looking for power scriptures, tips & techniques, quantum faith, etc.—the list goes on. When all they really need is Me, and I am right here, inside of you and every born-again Christian. And there I will stay forever.

I healed everyone that came to Me because I and My Father—our Father—are one, and I never did anything without first seeing My Father do it. That is the only lesson you need on healing—cultivate an intimate relationship with Me; be one with Me and our Father. Always be in communication with Me, and you will always know what to do and say as My voice on earth . . .

I want sickness, disease, injury, and death eradicated. I want people healed and whole. . . but for that to happen someone has to step up to the plate, and take the bat, swing, and hit a home run.

1: Stepping up to the plate means getting into position. Getting into the flow of the River of Life.

2: To take the bat is to lay hold of the thing that can hit the ball out of the park. The ball is the thing that is coming at you, like a disease or adverse circumstance. The bat is a revelation on what I am doing in that situation—My Word for that moment and exact situation.

3: To swing the bat means to speak out and declare the revelation from Me for the situation.

4: To hit the ball out of the park is the same as speaking to the mountain and it is cast into the sea, where it is no more—it is the manifestation of the desired result.

Where people miss it is in step one—getting into position. The only posture is in the flow of the River of Life. You can pray, worship, journal, sing, declare, degree, rebuke, etc., but if you are not in the flow of the River of Life, you are disconnected from the Powersource and nothing will happen.

In step two—taking up the bat—or taking My Word, I do not necessarily mean scripture verses. The first prophetic act in the Bible was a healing. Prophecy precedes heeling. You need to hear My voice to effectively heal. So you must hear and see what I am doing in this situation and then release it by speaking and/or doing what I am doing. Then, and only then, can you be a conduit for the healing power of heaven as I was. 

Healing is all about connection, relationship with Me, and being in the flow of the River of Life.


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