Journal Entry # 38: He is Coming For His Bride
Photo by JohnnyGreig from Getty Images Signature Sun 18 February 2024 This journal entry was a response to my asking the Lord about a dream I had the day before: A: . . . In the Genesis story, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was a fig tree, and Adam and Eve covered their nakedness in leaves from this tree. The Tree of Life was an olive tree which was symbolic of Me. Its leaves are the remedy for the ailments of every nation. Its fruit—My body—was pressed for the salvation of humanity. The robes that our Father made for Adam and Eve were made with animal skins.…
Journal Entry # 26: See the Peace
Photo by Azurita from Getty Images Two-Way Journal Entry # 2: See the Peace Sun 23 Oct 2023 Q: Hello Jesus, what do You want to say to me? A: See. See the peace. My Spirit brings peace. Peace in body. Peace in soul. The peace that passes human understanding. There is only one way to peace and it is in Me; by being born again by My Spirit, and living day by day in My Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit that brings life. And the Holy Spirit is given to all who believe in Me and confess that belief when they accept My redemptive work for their salvation.…
Journal Entry # 25: The Dawning of the New Jerusalem
Photo by FredFroese from Getty Images Signature Two-Way Journal Entry # 1: Dawning of the New Jerusalem Fri 20 Oct 2023 Q: Dear Lord, What do you want to say to me? A: When Zion—the millennium—begins it will be the dawning of a new day. The day when society will begin to be transformed, not by force but by conversion through love and reeducation. The absence of evil does not automatically rectify all that needs to be restored. My children will need to rebuild and build, educate and liberate people from the false paradigms and ideologies that they have been indoctrinated into. This will be a much easier process once…
Journal Entry #21: There is No Evil in My Kingdom
Photo by Grafissimo from Getty Images Signature (This is a stock photo.) Wed 9 August 2023 Q: Lord, do You “allow” bad things to happen in people’s lives? Do You “allow” for a 4 years old child to get beaten by her parent or a teenage girl to be raped? Do You “allow” vulnerable people to be abused? A: Shhh, My child, I do not want you to be distressed. I do not allow child abuse, or sexual abuse, or vulnerable people to be abused. I honor free agency, and sometimes people use their free agency to do evil. However, there are many times that people become victims of abuse…
Dream #10: Sing a New Song
Photo by Kativ from Getty Images Signature Wed 9 March 2022 It was a clear, bright, sunshiny day. My children and I were inside of a very large building with a stone exterior. It looked like a church or a college, but people were all dressed nicely. So I suspect it was a church. One of my sons was with me and the rest of my children were in different areas of the building. The building had a lot of rooms, like classrooms. My son and I were in a classroom on the first floor. Suddenly, I heard singing and went out into the hallway to see who was singing.…
Dream #9: It’s a Home Run
Photo by Peopleimages.com – YuriArcurs (This is a stock photo.) Fri 7 Jan 2022 [I was observing and not in the dream. ] There is a baseball game with a full stadium of people watching the game. A player steps up to bat. He hits the ball so far that it is an automatic home run. The crowd enthusiastically and loudly cheers as the man runs through all the bases. Even the opposing team basemen are cheering as he touches each base. The prize for winning the game is white bath towels. END OF DREAM. JOURNAL INTERPRETATION OF DREAM: “For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the…