Journal Entries

Journal Entry # 30: Be Good To Yourself

Mon 6 Nov 2023

Photo by Africa images

Q: Dear Lord, what do You want to say to me?

A: Be good to yourself. My people too often abase themselves. This is not the sacrifice I require. This idea did not originate with Me.

Love yourself as I love you. As I have commanded you to love others as I love you, also love yourself as I love you. Be patient with yourself as you expand in growth and territory. Understand that I am for you not against you.

Your sins are forgiven. I remember them no more. Blessed is My child who will grasp this. For you must believe that I am and that I do what I say. I have promised My children that they are deeply loved, highly favored, and richly blessed. Believe it. See it. Anticipate it. For I surely will accomplish all that I promised.


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