Journal Entries

Journal Entry #14: Our Loving Father Teaches His Children

Photo by Jacob Lund (This is a stock photo.)

Sat 8 July 2023

I read Butter For the House of Bread: One Evangelical Daughter’s Journey To Rediscover Her Father’s Voice by Elizabeth Elkynshaw. On page 173 she recorded a journal entry in which Jesus said, “He will judge are deeds and careless words.”

I shook my head and thought, No, God didn’t say that because the Bible teaches there is no condemnation for those who believe in Jesus (Romans 8:1).

Immediately a corrected thought came to me that God does judge Christian’s deeds and careless words, but we are not punished for them because Jesus was punished in our place. God will tell us where we went wrong.

Q: Lord, was the corrected thought from you? Do you judge Christians as Elizabeth’s journal entry said?

A: Be peaceful, My daughter, be still. ” Judge” has not the meaning you are thinking of. It is more like a loving Father teaching His child the error of her way so she will understand and learn the right way. It is irresponsible and unloving of parents to not correct their children when they have done wrong. Christians will certainly be shown in their life review where they missed My mark, but I am not angry at them, nor will they be punished because Jesus paid the price for all their sins.

Even in this life, the Holy Spirit lovingly reveals to Christians their wrong actions, thoughts, and beliefs. It is no different than this.


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