Journal Entries

Journal Entry #42: A Revelation on Inner Healing

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Mon 10 June 2024

Q: Please elaborate on the Word J_____ received for the young mother suffering from inner pain.

A: My Spirit initiated their encounter through inner promptings in each woman. They are a perfect example of the interconnection of My people. The spiritual movement between these women is akin to a dance, where J_____ is leading but both are equally blessed.

The mother has been born again and is able to discern my voice in many situations, which is why she knew to reach out to J_____.

As J_____ was considering the mother’s mental anguish, she had a vision of the mother holding a smaller dead version of herself. And while it is true that the mother is a new creation and that I want to heal her soul, it is not true that the mother is capable of just letting go of her pain and the memories of the circumstances that created the inner unhealed wounds and soul scars.

When a person is born-again they become a new species of human with new spiritual DNA. They no longer exist under the curse set in motion by Adam’s sin, or any generational curses, but as a caterpillar undergoes transformation to become a butterfly, so must the soul of man. However, every human being’s soul has a unique cocoon, tailored for their needs.

In this vision the mother was holding a dead smaller version of herself. That dead body symbolizes a part of her soul, which was killed by the inner wounds created by the circumstances that haunt her. Dead people cannot by their own volition, choose to live again. They must receive resurrected life from one who operates with My authority and power. 

Trauma is lethal. The human mind is not wired to endure trauma. Mature, seasoned believers, like Peter, John, and Paul, were able to endure much trauma from being persecuted without being traumatized because of their high level of anointing.

Do not counsel the mother to let go of her past so that I can heal her. If she were capable of letting go of these things she would have already done it. Self discipline will not serve her well in this situation. If she is counseled to “let go” she will invariably focus on the past in an attempt to let go of it. This would be a futile effort, resulting in self condemnation and guilt for being unable to achieve the goal of “letting go.”

Her soul needs to receive My resurrected life so it can be compatible with her born-again spirit. Do not ask her to “let go of her past,” but ask her to trust Me to lift off of her the heavy burden of her past circumstances and present day pain.

When My love covers her soul, she will be healed. Now, this does require repentance—changing her beliefs and the way she thinks about some things—but it is My work to lift off the sting from her past, not her work of letting go.

A revelation about My love releases power to heal and restore. My love is the miracle antidote for every evil, including sin, disease, and even death. Encourage the mother to memorize and meditate on Ephesians 3:14-21, to pray for it and to speak affirmations over herself, “That I will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.”

Encourage her to focus on how great My love for her is; the power and promises found in My radical Grace; and the great promises found in My Word to radically bless her including the gift of My peace that passes understanding. Don’t put the burden of “letting go” on her because she is incapable of doing this successfully. Cover her in prayers and lay hands on her for a healing impartation.

I will exchange the ashes of her past with My beauty and a present day and future abundant life.


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