Journal Entries

Journal Entry #9: Swim in My River

Photo by photosamfer from Getty Images

Thu 20 April 2023

Q: Lord, how do you see my health?

A: By My stripes, you are healed. From the crown of your head to the soles of your feet, on the inside and the outside, I declare you are whole, healthy, youthful, and beautiful. I will restore your youth.

See unto the vision, for there is no sickness, disease, aging, unjust, or infirmity of any kind in heaven. Because I redeemed mankind, it can be on earth as it is in heaven in every area of your life–for every human. Even aging can be healed through applying the spiritual laws and flowing in the River of the Holy Spirit.

Swim in My River.

Q: Lord, what are you doing in my future? What vision should I see of us partnering together in the future?

A: . . .Heaven and earth will be one. Heaven will infill earth in a divine partnership and the permanent habitation for My children. . .

Thu 9 Nov 2023

Q: Dear Lord, thank you for our conversations. Please give me clarity about our journal entry from 20 April 2023. You said that “even aging can be healed” and that You “restore youth.” This sounds impossible until the millennium.

A: I will renew your youth like an eagle’s wings. I will restore your vitality and strength. Imagine being youthful with the wisdom of age and life experience. Caleb was a man mature in years, yet had greater physical strength than some men half his age.

This vitality of youth is available to My children. What I did for Caleb I can still do.


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