Everyday Miracles

Everyday Miracles #10: Christmas Lights

Photo by TriggerPhoto from Getty Images Signature

Tue 2 Jan 2024

I love Christmas lights. When my children were little we would drive through festive neighborhoods to look at the Christmas lights and decorations. Those were well invested evenings that created a lifetime of happy memories.

I had to live on those memories for over a decade after I developed light sensitivity in 2012. This condition prevented me from being able to look at Christmas lights, TV, computer monitors, and cell phone screens. I had to keep all the lights in my house at half power, and wear a large brimmed hat and dark sunglasses anytime I left my home. It was terrible for my family members to live like that when they didn’t suffer from light sensitivity.

In 2021 it was discovered that the light sensitivity was caused by a medication I was taking. The condition has gradually improved over the last two years, and I am believing in God for a full recovery.

Christmas of 2023 was the first holiday in eleven years that I was well enough to look at the Christmas lights. I dearly wanted to see them but I didn’t say anything to my family because they are all grown up with very busy schedules. But God knew my heart desires and He found a way. . .

My son and his wife gave me an extremely thoughtful Christmas gift for a night on the town with them. We ate dinner at a nice restaurant, played miniature golf at a posh venue, and drove through Country Club Plaza to see all the beautiful Christmas lights! God answered the desire of my heart through the loving kindness of my son and his wife.

Like my son and his wife, we are all vessels. Every day we have many choices to make that are opportunities to be the vessel of God—His hands, feet, and voice—from which He can express His love on earth. That is what my son and daughter-in-law did when they gave me their Christmas gift. They may not have even realized that it was God who put the idea to see the Christmas lights in their minds, but it was. God was answering my heart’s desire through them. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you a time when He used you to answer someone’s prayer, or a time when God used someone to answer your prayer?

The counterfeit is also true. We can be vessels for Satan when we partner with him to release his plans for people on earth. 

I pray that we can all fine tune our hearing and clearly discern the voices that compete for our acceptance so that we learn to yield to the Holy Spirit alone.


Tree of Life Ministries at www.tolm.blog

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