Everyday Miracles

Everyday Miracles #2: Perfect Timing

Photo by Billion Photos (This is a stock photo.)

November 1995

My family moved from the East Coast to the Midwest in 1992. The Lord miraculously arranged for us to buy our first house on a contract-for-deed. It was a little post World War II ranch, practical but not very pretty.

After three years we were ready to move up to a house that would better accommodate our large family. I found a historic 5 bedroom house that I wanted to buy and I had a young family lined up to buy my ranch with a lease purchase. All that I needed to do was to contact the couple who held the mortgage on our ranch so that they could sign the bank’s paperwork.

I called the couple’s home. The husband promptly picked up my call, but he was nothing short of astonished by my timing. He was moving his family to Canada—the loaded moving truck was parked in his driveway! His wife and kids were waiting in the car while he made one last round through the empty house to be sure that nothing was left behind. The phone rang at just the right moment to catch him before they left for Canada, and before I had no way to contact him!

They were a nice family, but sometimes difficult to contact. I suspect that eventually he would have notified me of his change of address, but any delay would have cost me the historic house that I wanted to buy and the seller that I had ready to buy my ranch.

God is amazing! He is ready to set up divine appointments with perfect timing for His children!


Tree of Life Ministries at www.tolm.blog

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