Journal Entries

Journal Entry # 28: Peace is a Person

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Journal Entry # 4: PART 1 – Peace is a Person

Monday 30 October 2023

Q: Good morning, Jesus. What do you want to say to me this morning?

A: In My Word, I explain to My children that I gave them My Peace, but not as the world gives peace. I gave them true Peace (1).

Peace is not merely the absence of conflict. It is the presence of My Holy Spirit living with a person as their partner and spiritual leader. Peace is not a feeling as one might get walking in a garden. The peace I left with My people is a person; a companion to share life with (2); the teacher of My truth (3); the Holy Comforter who encourages and consoles (4); the miracle worker who heals and makes whole (5).

My Peace passes understanding because My Peace doesn’t have dim vision, but has a crystal clear perspective of all things, all people, all circumstances, and sees with an eternal panoramic view (6).

My Peace is like a compass, always pointing a person in the way that they should go (7). And if they fail to follow My directions, My Peace, like a GPS, will reset and find a new path, which may take them longer to reach their final destination, but if they learn to follow My directions they will reach their destination eventually.

And that destination is uniquely personal as every individual is uniquely beautiful, created as a masterpiece by Me (8). Every person’s destination is unlike any other with a unique expression of My gifts, talents, personality, and callings that they will enjoy in My kingdom according to My purposes when I created them.

Awake, My children, and see that life doesn’t just happen. There are spiritual forces all around you. Demons build obstacles and detours uniquely tailored to block people from traveling to their destination (9).

Listen to My Peace. She is Wisdom (10). Follow Her directions and she will guide you in the way that you should go.

PART 2 – Peace is a Person

Mon 30 October 2023

Q: Dear Jesus, Thank you for our journaling conversation this morning. You said some very interesting things. I have questions because a few of Your comments sounded unusual to me.

  1. People usually think of You when they hear “Peace is a Person.” Why did You refer to the Holy Spirit as Peace?
  2. Isn’t it true that people miss out on opportunities if they don’t follow Your directions by the leading of the Holy Spirit? How is it possible that they will still reach their destination?
  3. Why do You refer to the Holy Spirit as “she” in Your closing comments?

A: I Am the Prince of Peace (11) and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ (12)—My Spirit. We are one. As the Father and I are one, the Holy Spirit and I are one (13).

This journaling conversation was addressed to My people who have been born-again by the Holy Spirit. Yes, if a person doesn’t follow My instructions they might miss out on opportunities and special moments. This is not always because of sin. They are spiritually immature because they don’t recognize My voice speaking in their dreams, in their heart, and in their thoughts. But their journey to spiritual maturity extends beyond this life and eventually all My people will reach their destination in My kingdom for I will finish the work that I began in them (14).

“She is Wisdom” is a sign pointing out Proverbs 3. Think of it as homework from Holy Spirit University. Those who are hungry will find good food to nourish their spirit and soul in Proverbs 3.


1: John 14:18-28

2: John 14:16-17

3: John 16:12-13

4: John 14:26

5: Acts 10:38; 1 Corinthians 12:4, 9-10

6: John 16:13

7: Romans 8:14; Galatians 5:18

8: Isaiah 64:8

9: Ephesians 6:12; 1 Peter 5:8

10: Proverbs 3

11: Isaiah 9:6-7

12: Acts 16:7; Romans 8:9-10; Philippians 1:19

13: John 14:10-11

14: Philippians 1:6


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