Journal Entries

Journal Entry #37: Reforming the 7 Mountains

Photo by DNY59 from Getty Images Signature

Fri 9 February 2024

Q: Good morning, Lord. What do you want to talk about today?

A: This is an election year. A very key, critical election year. My people need to be vigilant in the personal assignments that I called them to.

How do you make America great again?

  • By My people hearing My voice and following where I lead them.
  • By My people walking in their unique divine mandate.
  • By every individual reforming the Mountain that I called them to reform.

In this season My children need to engage with My angels—the Hosts of Heaven, who are My army. Reforming the 7 Mountains is beyond human ability. My reformers must flow in the River of Life, and as they do the darkness that has infiltrated every Mountain of culture will be exposed and washed away. My Kingdom culture will manifest as these evils dissipate, and heaven will be at home on earth.

My reformers must partner with My angelic army to manifest the victory over the devil that I already accomplished. There are more—much more—for you than against you. Pray for your spiritual eyes and ears to be open so that you may see and hear the Army of the Lord, My army, which includes angels and mortals. Yes, you, and all of My children who embrace the call to be reformers, are part of My great end-time army. Humans can not accomplish this assignment without partnering with My angels, and My angels can not accomplish this assignment without partnering with My reformers.

Use the authority that I gave to you to dispatch angels into the Mountain of Government. Pray for President Trump and all those whom I’ve called to the Mountain of Government. Pray that their eyes and ears will be fully open to clearly see and hear My voice, so that they will express My Kingdom in the arena of government.

Use your authority to release My angels into all of the 7 Mountains of culture, so that they may do their portion in manifesting heaven on every Mountain; so that My glory will fill the entire earth. This is the path to peace, and America will lead the way for global peace among all people.

Use your authority to dispatch angels to every voting location across the USA, and to every individual involved in the operation of voting centers and elections. Specifically pray for the exposure of all corruption, fraud, and deception in connection to elections. And then do the same to expose corruption, fraud, deception, and the victimization of people in every area on every Mountain.

Reforming the 7 Mountains of culture is a process, but as My reformers gain momentum there will be an acceleration in the manifestation of victory.


Tree of Life Ministries at


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