Journal Entries

Journal Entry #7: Blessings Are Fresh Everyday

Photo by Yuliya Furman

Wed 12 April 2023

Q: Lord, what do you want to say to me today?

A: Blessings are fresh every day. Look for the good and you’ll see me. Rest in My reward, and see into the “heavenlies.” Yes, in heaven there is only abundant life. When I said I came to give life abundantly I meant that I came to give people access to heaven and bring heaven to earth. You.must see what I am doing in the heavenly realm first, and then as you believe in that vision it will manifest in your life. . .

In the past momentum towards collapsing heaven on earth was slow because humanity is evolving as one tribe and progress has been slow. It begins in an individual. When one individual breaks through into new frontiers–in the natural or spiritual worlds-–it opens the way for everyone else. . .

Wed 8 Nov 2023

The Lord very distinctly said “heavenlies” which I believe is a reference to Ephesians 3:1, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ (DARBY).”


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