Journal Entries

Journal Entry # 26: See the Peace

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Two-Way Journal Entry # 2: See the Peace

Sun 23 Oct 2023

Q: Hello Jesus, what do You want to say to me?

A: See. See the peace. My Spirit brings peace. Peace in body. Peace in soul. The peace that passes human understanding.

There is only one way to peace and it is in Me; by being born again by My Spirit, and living day by day in My Spirit.

It is the Holy Spirit that brings life. And the Holy Spirit is given to all who believe in Me and confess that belief when they accept My redemptive work for their salvation.

The New birth is a new beginning. Just as a new day begins at dawn, so does the new birth begin as a dawning of My light, which grows brighter and brighter. I am not speaking of a type for a 24 hour day, but for a new era.

A 24 hour day repeats as dawn and sunset repeat, but this new era will have no sunset; only light that grows brighter, giving life richly, abundantly, freely to all who will receive My gift.

Awake, My children. Awake. See My peace. Believe that I am on My throne and that the New Jerusalem is within you. All that you need is the Holy Spirit in you.

Just as a seed is planted in the earth, and begins to manifest life before it is seen on the surface of the earth, My Spirit is in My children manifesting the life of the New Jerusalem which will soon be visible to the world.


Tree of Life Ministries at

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