Journal Entries

Journal Entry #35: Quantum Faith

Photo by Jess Bailey Designs from Pexels

Sunday 17 December 2023, Tuesday 19 December 2023

Q: Lord, thank you for the book I just read. Is the author correct about people being responsible for everything that happens to them in life?

A: Children are programmed from birth to believe and conceptualize life, creating an inner paradigm that unconsciously applies spiritual laws, plus they inherit physical and spiritual DNA that also impacts their life through no action—good or bad—of their own.

And, of course, there is the enemy who takes advantage of the vulnerable and spiritually ignorant or immature, especially targeting people in the area of their personal callings from Me in an attempt to prevent them from fulfilling My plan for their life. This is not always the individual’s fault. The devil seeks whom he may destroy but the reason why a person is devourable is not always the individual’s fault.

Take a 3 year old child for an example. That child is incapable of sinning, and yet many children are the victims of sin and disease through no fault of their own. Church leaders should never victim blame. Without a revelation from Me they do not know the funnel of circumstances that led to a person’s challenges in life.

Yet quantum faith is real. The important message in that book is to believe in the power of your faith infused words to create. It is a false belief that all words have power. Words do not have magic powers, or even supernatural powers. It is the faith that infuses words that has the power to create, which is why what you believe matters a great deal. Faith is the raw material that all things are created from.

Not all faith is good faith. Fear is faith in the devil’s power to do evil. Fear is faith invested in the wrong places. Plus people have faith in many things that are not true.

So having faith does not necessarily mean that faith is well invested. There are many aspects to the principles of faith and what faith is, and how it works.

Faith that produces My will—abundant life—is faith invested in Me and My Word—My Logos and My Rhema.

Fear based faith and faith in false beliefs also create, but not good. These kinds of faith words create because they are infused with a particular kind of energy, but some words are powerless because they are communication words and not creative in nature.

Tuesday 19 December 2023

So what makes faith quantum faith? Faith that is able to circumvent time produces miracles, defining a miracle as the immediate supernatural manifestation of the will of God.

For example, healing happens over the process of time, whereas a miracle happens immediately or in a very short period of time. You experienced a miracle when you released the angels to prepare the way for your all female staffed medical team, which manifested in less than 24 hours.

I operated in quantum faith on earth. This kind of faith is the fruit of an intimate relationship with Me.


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