Journal Entries

Journal Entry #33: The Realization of Your Hope is on the Horizon

Photo by quickshooting from Getty Images

Sat 25 Nov 2023

Q: Dear Lord, what do You want to say to me today?

A: The realization of your hope is on the horizon.

Peace is found only in Me. Bless the land in which you live. Bless the land with My peace. Peace for the people. Peace in politics. Peace in education. Peace in the economy. Peace in every community and every home. Peace in spirit, soul, and body. There is peace in My kingdom. I Am the Door. Bless your country to enter the Door and receive My peace.

I hear My people’s desire for peace. The path to peace has not changed and will not change. The Door to peace is Me, but many people do not see the Door. They are focused on other things—religious things. They are religious minded instead of relationship minded.

I Am the Door. You enter the Door by entering into a relationship with Me, not by joining a church or giving mental agreement to a religious belief system. I Am the Door. Know Me. Speak to Me. Hear My voice. Communicate with Me daily. When My people learn to live in a living relationship with Me, communicating with Me daily, heeding the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking in their dreams, thoughts, and emotions, then they will experience My peace and will be a lighthouse, lighting the way for others to find My peace.

Individual by individual, peace will spread like a wildfire through the land, destroying all that is not from Me in their lives and sphere of influence. Without guidance from the Holy Spirit, humans do not know the way to peace. The Holy Spirit is God’s gift to guide, and teach, and comfort, and show you the way. The way to peace can not be found apart from the Holy Spirit.

So bless your land, and the people, and the communities in your land. Bless your government and your schools. Bless them in your prayers and by being the vessel that My light beams through.


Tree of Life Ministries at

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