Journal Entries

Journal Entry # 32: In the Name of Jesus

Photo by artpipi from Getty Images Signature (This is a stock photo.)

Mon 20 November 2023

Q: Dear Lord, is it necessary to say “in the name of Jesus” at the end of a prayer?

A: To pray in My name means to pray with My nature, with focus, and My perspective.

You are always welcome in My presence. I always hear My children when they call My name, and when they address Me with intention. I also hear the desires in their heart without any words spoken out loud, and I respond to their desires because I love them and want us to have an intimate relationship. I want us to communicate together every day.

When you speak to your friends do you begin and end every conversation with a statement declaring you have the right and authority to engage in conversation with them? No. You both know the level of your friendship and the boundaries of the relationship. You never have to verbalize your authority in the relationship until someone crosses those boundaries and the one who feels encroached on feels a need to defend their boundaries.

My children are able to come boldly before the throne of grace 24/7, always feeling welcome and ready to receive from Me.

You have the authority to use My name. You must use My name when you need to exercise the authority in My name, such as declaring blessings and prophecy, making decrees, casting out demons, etc. But you don’t need to end a conversation prayer with “in the name of Jesus. Amen.”

I know who you are. You are mine. I know you have the authority to use My name. I gave you that authority. Saying “Amen” is sufficient because “amen” means so shall it be. Amen is also a salutation and declaration of confidence in Me.


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