Journal Entries

Journal Entry #40: The Devil is Defeated

Stock photo by Firn ©

Q: Dear Lord, good morning. Today is going to be great! What do You want to do, or what do You want to say to me?

A: Let’s talk about the power of belief. It is phenomenal but so misunderstood. What you believe matters, and not a little. What you firmly believe about Me and My Kingdom impacts every area of your life because there is energy infused in your beliefs, and that energy is powerful.

When I was asked, “We want to perform God’s work too. What should we do?” I answered, “This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one He has sent.”

Why was My statement true? It was true because thoughts and words have frequency. Everything you think and say transmits energy and that energy seeks a mate, which may or may not be in your best interest. To be clear: Your thoughts and words have a frequency but not of equal power. Power is charged into your thoughts and words by things like passion, intentions, focus, strong emotions, and even fear, to name a few. That is why it is possible for something that a person intensely fears to actually manifest. Protection from the things you fear happens by believing in and focusing on Me, My Kingdom and My spiritual laws that govern My Kingdom. People can’t believe in Me and trust their life to Me if they have not been taught to. But of those through whom the fears of others are manifested, they will reap a harvest for the hardship and trauma they caused unless they repent.

The devil was solidly defeated by Me on the cross, and yet he still illegally governs all seven mountains of culture. How does he get away with illegally governing planet earth?


He has deceived the world into believing that which is truly good is evil, and that which is truly evil is good. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge about Me and My Kingdom. The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy everything and anything that has to do with My plans for humankind, collectively or individually. He steals the Word of God from people by convincing them that modern people are too educated to believe in ancient superstitions; by tainting My truth with lies as he did with Eve in the Garden of Eden; and in a million other ways.

The devil works through people just as I do, but his only real power is to prevent people from believing in the truth about Me and My Kingdom; and by deceiving them with a sea of religious confusion. Ignorance enables the demonic.

The devil is actually a very puny personality. Yes, he has principalities, powers, and demon followers lurking in their dark sphere, but all the power of the dark realm has its foundation in two things:

  1. People believing the devil’s lies. (The devil steals the Word of God.)
  2. When people believe the devil’s lies, they unwittingly focus their attention on the plans of the enemy instead of My plans. (The devil kills My plans for people.) You give creative power to what you focus your attention on. And if you are ignorant of My truth then you can’t focus your attention on it. Instead, you are like an unprotected sitting duck with a target on your back.

Numbers one and two result in the devil illegally governing (destroying) all seven mountains of culture.

Always remember that the devil is soundly defeated! To stop his reign of terror, My manifest children will demonstrate My love, and with power and authority they will reeducate the nations to reform the seven mountains of culture. My manifest children must deprogram humanity from the misinformation and false narratives they so wholeheartedly believe. 

My manifest children are those sharing an intimate relationship with Me; they are those with such mature spiritual senses that they flow in the River of Life and clearly hear My voice; they are those who operate in and release My supernatural power. My manifest children live, move, and minister under showers of My grace and favor, and in the strength and wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

The manifestation of My Promised children is not in the distant future, but is already in process. I am accelerating their training and equipping and calling them into all of the world, and onto every mountain of culture, to enforce My victory over the devil.


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