Dreams & Interpretations

Dream #8: The Bride and Bridesmaids

Photo by Tatiana (This is a stock photo.)

Thur 39 Dec 2021

SCENE 1: I was camping with a bride and several women, including my cousin. Even though it was daytime we were lying down to rest.

I had a tent. So I said to my cousin, “You don’t have to lie on the ground. You can be with me in my tent.” We had to move a bit to make space for the tent.

SCENE 2: It is still daytime, but now we are in a second floor bedroom. There are five women in this scene: The bride, my cousin, two unknown women, and me. There was one bed that we intended to all sleep in at the same time.

I was standing in the room getting ready to go to bed.

The bride passed out letters she had written to each of the women. She handed me an envelope with my full name handwritten on the front, but when I opened it the letter was addressed to a good friend, C_____. She was an elderly woman in her mid 80s that I had not seen for a few years because I had moved away. The letter began by thanking C_____ for all that she had done and included a check made out to C_____ for $52.

I told the bride that I had C_____’s letter, but she didn’t take it back. And then I looked out the window. It was still daylight. I saw men and boys having fun splashing in a river. My husband and sons were among them, but my adult son’s were young boys in the dream. As soon as they realized I was watching them the guys moved to an area where they could climb out of the river.



SCENE 1: Just as the ten virgins went out to meet the Bridegroom (Matthew 25:1-13) and waited for Him to come, these women went out camping and rested. These women symbolize the bride and the bridesmaids; the five wise virgins who took oil for their lamps. The bride symbolizes the corporate church. The bridesmaids symbolize the born-again believers who are My vessels, and the Holy Spirit is the oil.

Resting in the Holy Spirit is not inactivity but Spirit-led activity. Daylight is the time of day for work and activity. So the women lying down and resting in the daylight symbolizes that they are engaged in Spirit-led activity.

You had a tent. A tent is a temporary dwelling place. Your tent symbolizes the Last Great Feast—the Feast of Tabernacles.

The ten virgins in the parable in Matthew were waiting to meet Me at My first coming. The wise virgins in your dream are waiting to meet Me at My second coming, which will usher in the era of peace.

You inviting your cousin to join you in your tent symbolizes an invitation to the wise virgins to watch for My second coming as they rest in the Holy Spirit.


The women are in the upstairs bedroom, a place of intimacy with me. The bed symbolizes receiving revelations. They share one bed means that the corporate church and Spirit-led people receive revelation from one source—Me, and all their revelations harmonize because they are from the same source.

The letters that the bride passed out to her bridesmaids symbolizes the Holy Spirit passing out personal assignments to My anointed ones.

Your letter was addressed to C_____. It expressed My thanks for her many years of serving as a missionary in China, as well as many other acts of kindness. Her theology wasn’t always correct but her heart intention was love.

The check for $52 symbolizes a gift from Me to C_____. Fifty is symbolic for the Holy Spirit and two is symbolic for union. My gift is Myself, living forever in union with Me through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

The reason your letter was addressed to C______ is because your assignment was to tell C______ how much I love her, appreciate her, and that she has been given a great gift that can never be taken away from her.

Looking through the window symbolizes having a prophetic vision. You see the sons of God swimming in the River of Life—the Holy Spirit.

Again, you represent the wise virgins. The wise virgins prophetically observing the sons of God is key to the manifestation of the sons of God.

The sons of God climbing out of the River of Life symbolizes the sons of God stepping out into their callings in the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

And the world will never be the same!


Tree of Life Ministries at www.tolm.blog

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