Dreams & Interpretations

Dream #12: The Tree of Life

Photo by vientocuatrostock (This is a stock photo.)

Tue 13 Sep 2022

SCENE 1: I was on the top of a stone skyscraper-height building with a flat roof. My son was with me. There were trees growing very close to the building. The trees were taller than the building and the branches had green leaves.

I leaped off of the roof into the tree and caught a branch, then I easily and quickly climbed all the way down the tree to the ground.

SCENE 2: My son jumped off the rooftop and into the tree, and caught a branch. But he quickly fell off the branch and free fell quite a distance. He didn’t seem to be upset.

I yelled, “Grab a branch.”

He grabbed some branches, which broke his fall, but he soon fell again. This time he landed on his feet on the ground and was okay.




The tall building represents the man-made tower of Babel; the world systems.

You represent the born-again believers who took a leap of faith when they were saved. They leaped toward the green branches of the Tree of Life, which will always tower over everything devised by humankind.

You were able to easily and quickly climb down the Tree of Life because of the help of the Holy Spirit in you. My people can accomplish all things through My power that is in them. Why would you want to climb down the Tree of Life to reach the ground, and then walk away from it? Because the Tree of Life is the  place where My people go to get fed, refreshed, and strengthened to accomplish the destiny I prepared for them. And then I send them out as recorded in Mark 16 (vs, 15).

SCENE 2: Your son also took a leap towards the Tree of Life, but fell a far distance. Twice. He represents the not-yet saved person who rejects the world systems. He embraces many conservative principles but rejects My gospel and gift of salvation.

His was not a leap of faith because he doesn’t have faith in Me. The Holy Spirit helps him as much as possible but your son doesn’t have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. So the Holy Spirit spoke through your voice when you instructed your son to grab the branches. He did as you instructed and because he obeyed, he was able to grab some branches that broke his fall, enabling him to land safely on his feet. This illustrates how critical it is for My people to be the vessels of the Holy Spirit. They are My hands, My feet, and My voice.

The dream ends similar to how it begins, with you and your son together. Instead of being at the top of the world systems, you are together at the base of the Tree of Life. Instead of being confined in the tower of Babel you have the freedom to go wherever the Holy Spirit leads you.


Tree of Life Ministries at www.tolm.blog

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