Dreams & Interpretations

Dream #15: The Baseball Game

Photo by cheryholt from pixabay (This is a stock photo.)

Fri 31 March 2023

I was a teenager playing in a coed baseball game with other teenagers. I wasn’t very good at the game and kept striking out. But then I hit the ball and made it to first base, and then I ran to second base.

The baseball diamond was not easily navigated because there were obstacles on the field. Something blocked the visibility of third base but I made it anyway.



  • The baseball stadium represents the spiritual arena.
  • The baseball field represents the world.
  • You are a teenager in this dream because your spirit and soul are eternally youthful.
  • The baseball game represents the process of spiritual development.
  • The obstacles all over the field were statically placed there by demonic forces, uniquely tailored for every individual.

Spiritual growth happens in stages. Even Paul took years to develop his faith before he entered the ministry I called him to.

Spiritual growth also requires skill. My grace empowers My children to succeed, but grace operates in partnership with My people. I do not possess humans as demons do, or compel them to obey My instructions and plan for their life. They must be willing participants who live in partnership with Me. This partnership requires them to develop spiritual skills. These skills are the gifts and talents that I gave to them, but they must be equipped and learn how to skillfully operate these gifts and talents.

At first, you were not skillful at playing baseball. This scene illustrates the time period when you were very persistent and trying very hard to spiritually advance, but did not have good skills because you did not have a Holy Spirit anointed mentor to train you. Much of what you were studying at that time was promoted as My voice but was not. This is a common problem among My people.

Your skill began to develop as you followed the teachings of Joseph Prince. The truth about My grace simultaneously trained you and removed the obstacles between you and first base and second base.

Spiritual mentors are part of My gospel plan. I call people to be mentors as teachers, pastors, healers, etc. I anoint and train those I have chosen for their specific work in Me kingdom, and then I send them out to be spiritual mentors to certain individuals among My sheep. I do not use cookie cutter education for My children. I customize their spiritual education, and the devil copies Me by customizing their obstacles.

The obstacles before third base were even worse than those between you and first and second base. You could not even see third base, but you knew where it was located, and had developed your faith and skill so well that now, in partnership with the Holy Spirit, you advanced in faith and successfully made it to third base.

It is a serious misconception for anyone to believe that the spiritually mature breeze through without any obstacles. No. Satan is determined to block them, but the spiritually mature clearly hear My voice. When they are presented with obstacles and challenges they talk to Me about them, and then they clearly hear My voice speak instruments on what to do in every specific situation. The key is that they hear My voice.


Tree of Life Ministries at www.tolm.blog

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