Dreams & Interpretations

Dream #3: Warning – A Disaster is Coming to My Community

Photo by kentoh from Getty Images

Sat 18 Jan 2020


I lived in a mansion. My good friend, Jane Doe, was there. Jane fell out of a second floor window. I was looking out the window from where she fell. As she was lying injured on the ground in my backyard, she yelled toward me, “They say I broke my back.”

I was trying to get to the backyard to rescue my friend, but the land was in upheaval and water was flooding many areas. The water was choppy and wild. Everything was in turmoil.

My son approached me and said that his father lost 100 million dollars.

DREAM 2: My sons came to my home and were playing.

DREAM 3: A piece of rope tied into a knot.



Wed 31 January 2024

At the time of this dream I hadn’t yet learned how to communicate with God through two-way journaling. On the day after the dream, Jan 19th, I had a quickening in my spirit when my husband told me about a documentary he’d watched about the Spanish Flu (1917-1919), and I KNEW that it was a reference to this dream. “One hundred million” people were killed from the Spanish Flu—the number mentioned in my dream—and it began in Fort Reilly, Kansas. I live in the Kansas City Metro.


This dream was a prophetic revelation about the upcoming COVID pandemic and political unrest, and how it would challenge the church.

The mansion that you live in is a symbol for the United States of America. Your friend symbolizes the church. She fell from the second floor—the upper room—and broke her back. The upper room is the place of intimacy with Me; the sphere of our union and intimacy. Your friend—the church—fell into the backyard and broke her “back.” “Back” symbolizes things in her past; things that are behind her.

There are things in the church’s past—religion built on the Law instead of a relationship produced from intimacy with Me—that are causing her to disconnect from Me.

The upheaval in the land and choppy waters were symbols of the upcoming political upheaval that would sweep across America in 2020. The “100 million lost dollars” was a reference to the Spanish Flu, just as you discerned, but it was a warning of another deadly pandemic coming to America.


This dream was a word of encouragement about the sons of God. The sons of God maintain union with Me. They are overcomers who enjoy intimacy with Me; enjoy playing with Me. They enjoy life to the fullest, which includes being happy and playful.

DREAM #3: 

“Tying the knot” is a common reference to getting married. A marriage date has been set in heaven. I am coming soon for My bride. My bride is the same corporate body as the sons of God. They are those who receive My attention with pleasure, and enjoy My company. My bride genuinely desires to be intimate with Me. She isn’t enduring religiosity to get to heaven some day, or to appease Me out of a sense of duty. She loves Me and wants intimacy with Me for her own pleasure as well as Mine. 


Tree of Life Ministries at www.tolm.blog

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