Dreams & Interpretations

Dream #4: The Holy Spirit Leads Us

Photo by alexsl from Getty Images Signature

Tue 28 January 2020

At the time of this dream I had recently begun to read books by a well known minister, but his material was new to me.

The entire dream transpires in the dark.

I was sitting in a toddler size toy car that was much smaller than my body. The car was so much smaller than my body that even though I was sitting in the driver’s seat area I was actually on top of the car instead of in the seat. I was driving home.

Someone was following me and I wanted to lose them. I drove down a narrow trail and went past some pretty man-made ponds. The trail got too narrow so I decided to get out of the car and walk the rest of the way.

I came near a street and began to pass two young men sitting at a table. I knew these men. . .

One man said, “He leads you ahead to leave behind that which was fulfilled or nailed to the cross.”



Tue 23 January 2024

Q: Dear Lord, please give me the interpretation for this dream.

A: In your dreams, a vehicle represents your mode of transportation for how you are getting someplace. That someplace has to do with your spiritual journey as it applies to your ministry and personal life.

In the case of this dream, the vehicle represents the book you’d recently begun studying. The vehicle was a toddler toy car, meaning that the content of that book was too elementary, like a toy, to help you on your spiritual journey. Plus, the entire dream occurs in the dark of night, which tells you that you were not being guided by the Holy Spirit when you decided to read that book.

Abandoning the toy car was the right decision. You are walking toward home when you encounter two men whom you know. These men are My angels.

One of the men says, “He leads you ahead to leave behind that which was fulfilled or nailed to the cross.” The Holy Spirit leads you forward on your spiritual journey, which is literally the journey of our love story. The more intimate our relationship becomes, the more of your past—the wounds, traumas, and pain from abusive experiences—will be healed because what was “nailed to the cross” was much more than your sins. Every act of the devil; every action he took through human agents to harm you, was also nailed to the cross so that you could be fully healed and completely freed to live and become all that I created you to be.


Tree of Life Ministries at www.tolm.blog

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