Journal Entry #24: Now is the Day
Photo by Ogichobanov from Getty Images
Mon 16 Oct 2023
Q: Lord, You paid the price for all of our sins to be forgiven and for our bodies to be healed, but many Christians don’t receive healing. Why?
A: Raise up the banner. High. High. High into the sky. Now is the day. Now is the time for deliverance and healing. The timing has been now; has been today; has been every day since I arose from the dead and sent the Holy Spirit to live in My people on Pentecost.
Your question should not be, “Why haven’t people been healed?,” but, “Why aren’t people flowing in My anointing?” That is the question you need to seek an answer for.
Reflect on the Book of Acts. So great was My presence illuminating Peter that people were healed by his shadow—at least at the beginning of the Church era. This was shortly after Peter was baptized in the Holy Spirit, but that level of power and My presence slowly faded. Why? This is the question you need to ponder.
Tue 14 November 2023
A: Let’s talk about healing:
How was it possible for My apostles and My followers to heal the sick when I sent them to their communities before I was crucified? Like prophets of old, I anointed them with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit covered them like a mantle, or cloak, of power, but they could only operate in the power of the Holy Spirit as they were guided by the Holy Spirit, which required them to be able to hear the voice of God. They were led by the Holy Spirit externally.
In order to operate in the power of the Holy Spirit to heal the sick and deliver people from all the works of the devil, it is imperative a person accurately hear the voice of God. There is no other way.
After My resurrection on the Day of Pentecost My people were baptized in the Holy Spirit; completely immersed in the presence of God. Nevertheless, they still needed to be led by the Holy Spirit by accurately hearing My voice in order to operate in the gifts of the Spirit, but now they were led internally.
People with faith can draw on the gifts of the Spirit without the intentional impartation from the annointed person. This is how the woman with the issue of blood was healed by touching My garment, and how people were healed by Peter’s shadow.
But unless a person cleans themselves—their mind—they become like a clogged pipe that My Spirit can not flow through. The best way to keep a spiritually clean mind is through daily communication with me. Praying in the Spirit, Spirit guided scripture reading, two-way journaling conversations with Me, are effective ways to keep your inner channels free from the debris of living in the demonically dense conditions on the earth where many things that are good are called evil and many things that are evil are called good.
The early church leadership fell under the weight of the flesh, giving place to anger, envy, heated disputes, and contentions—all of which clogged their inner channels and slowed the flow of power. The 21st century church must learn to keep their inner vessel clean and stay in daily communication with Me.
The kingdom of God is within you.
Tree of Life Ministries at www.tolm.blog