Journal Entries

Journal Entry #1: Healing is the Children’s Bread

Photo by nitrub from Getty Images

Mon 27 February 2023

Q: Lord, “By Your stripes, I was healed.” Speak to me about how to receive Your healing.

A: Healing is the children’s bread; their right as citizens of Heaven where there is no sickness, no disease, no decay, no aging, no death, no loneliness, no apathy.

It is received by My Father’s grace on wings of love. Just reach out and take it. Don’t say, “I’ve tried.” Don’t try. Just do it. The “do” is in the believing, influenced by an inner peace from My Word–My Rhema Word.

When it penetrates the soil of your heart, the way a seed penetrates the soil of the earth, it will sprout and bring forth complete healing, wholeness, youthfulness, and joy unspeakable for you.

Tue 7 November 2023

“Try” is human effort. People “try” to obtain healing from Me by doing things they consider spiritual like studying, fasting, sacrificing, praying, etc., because they incorrectly believe these actions will somehow put them in a place to receive My healing.
Yes, do good as the Holy Spirit guides you but the only qualification for receiving healing is faith in Me and My finished work for your redemption. Believing is how My people receive My healing. Whether it is healing for themselves or healing someone else, belief in Me is the conduit for healing to manifest.


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